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Contact Us

The Presbyterian Customer Service Center is here to help you with any inquiries or issues you may have. After business hours, the phone number will be directed to a voice mailbox which will be accessed on the next business day.


We want to hear from you about what we are doing well and what we need to work on. Please take some time to complete one of the feedback forms.

Recognition Form Complaint/Grievance/Appeal Referral Form

Dedicated Community Leadership

We are accountable to our board of community leaders who dedicate their time, expertise and energy to help improve the health of our patients, members and our communities.

Meet our remarkable leaders

Legacy of Caring

We are committed to caring for our community and have been for over 100 years. Learn more about Presbyterian’s first hundred years of caring for the people of New Mexico, and where we are headed today.

Find out more

Community Support for New Mexicans

At Presbyterian, we exist to improve the health of the patients, members and communities we serve. We are striving to improve access to health care, health insurance coverage, and opportunities for exercise, healthy food and community resources throughout the state.

Learn more