Awards, Honors and Recognitions
At Presbyterian, we believe in the pursuit of excellence. We are proud that this drive is often recognized by our patients, our health plan members, and by experts in many fields.
2024 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
Presbyterian’s Albuquerque Ambulance Service (AAS) was one of seven health systems to receive a 2024 Lighthouse Award for forward-thinking approaches to advancing patient safety, clinical quality and risk reduction. AAS was recognized for automation of a quality assurance program regarding the use of ketorolac, a medication commonly administered to patients to relieve fever and pain. This award demonstrates AAS’s commitment to patient safety.
Presbyterian receives NCDR Chest Pain – MI Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award Presbyterian Hospital* has received the American College of Cardiology’s NCDR Chest Pain – MI Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award for 2024, one of only 259 hospitals nationwide and the only hospital in New Mexico to receive the honor. The award recognizes Presbyterian Hospital’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients and signifies that they’ve reached an aggressive goal of treating these patients to standard levels of care as outlined by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical guidelines and recommendations.
To receive the Chest Pain – MI Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award, Presbyterian Hospital has demonstrated sustained achievement in the Chest Pain – MI Registry for two consecutive years (2022 and 2023) and performed at the highest level for specific performance measures. Full participation in the registry engages hospitals in a robust quality improvement process using data to drive improvements in adherence to guideline recommendations and overall quality of care provided to heart attack patients.
*Combined data from Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Presbyterian receives Get With The Guidelines® – Coronary Artery Disease STEMI Receiving Center Silver Plus Recognition Presbyterian Hospital* has received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Coronary Artery Disease STEMI Receiving Center Silver Plus recognition for its commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), known to be more severe and dangerous than other types of heart attacks.
The STEMI Receiving Center Silver Plus award is earned by hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to treating patients according to the most up-to-date research-based guidelines for STEMI care as outlined by the American Heart Association and provide 24/7 support for STEMI. These important facilities coordinate with a network of referring hospitals and emergency medical services to provide guideline-directed STEMI and NSTEMI care.
*Combined data from Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Presbyterian receives Get With The Guidelines® – Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Gold Recognition Presbyterian Hospital* has received the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Goldrecognition for its commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing a specific type of heart attack known as a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).
The NSTEMI Center Gold award is earned by hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to treating patients according to the most up-to-date research-based guidelines for NSTEMI care as outlined by the American Heart Association.
Presbyterian Hospital* also received the American Heart Association’s Target: Type 2 Diabetes™ Honor Roll award. Target: Type 2 Diabetes aims to ensure patients with Type 2 diabetes, who might be at higher risk for complications, receive the most up-to-date, evidence-based care when hospitalized due to heart disease or stroke.
*Combined data from Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Presbyterian receives the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® Regional Recognition Award Presbyterian Hospital* has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® Regional Recognition award for its commitment to offering swift and evidence-based care to individuals across the region experiencing the most severe heart attacks. The Mission: Lifeline Regional achievement award is earned by hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to treating patients according to the most up-to-date research-based guidelines as outlined by the American Heart Association.
Mission: Lifeline is the American Heart Association's national initiative to enhance the system of care for patients with high-risk, time-sensitive medical conditions, including severe heart attacks. The program helps reduce barriers to prompt heart attack interventions – from the initial 911 call and EMS transport through hospital treatment and discharge.
*Combined data from Presbyterian Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Presbyterian Santa Fe Medical Center earns “A” for social responsibility on national ranking. Presbyterian Santa Fe Medical Center has been recognized by the Lown Institute, a nonprofit health organization, for outstanding social responsibility, receiving an “A” grade on the 2024-25 Lown Institute Hospitals Index.
Out of more than 3,500 hospitals nationwide, Presbyterian Santa Fe Medical Center ranked 76th nationally on the social responsibility metric.
The rankings grade hospitals on over 50 metrics across patient outcomes, value of care, and health equity.
Plains Regional Medical Center has earned the 2023 SHPBest™ “Superior Performer” Patient Satisfaction Award Presbyterian Healthcare at Home at Plains Regional Medical Center has been recognized by Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) as a “Superior Performer” for achieving an overall patient satisfaction score that ranked in the top 20 percent of all eligible SHP clients for the 2023 calendar year.
The annual SHPBest™ award program was created to acknowledge home health agencies that consistently provide high quality service to their patients. The 2023 award recipients were determined by reviewing and ranking the overall satisfaction score for more than 3,200 home health providers. With the largest HHCAHPS benchmark in the nation, SHP is in a unique position to identify and recognize organizations that have made patient satisfaction a priority and have been rewarded for their efforts with high marks on the HHCAHPS survey.
Presbyterian Hospital’s Stroke Program receives Gold Plus Achievement Award. For the fourth consecutive year, Presbyterian Hospital’s Stroke Program received a Gold Plus Achievement Award from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Presbyterian Hospital’s (PH) stroke program received its fourth Get with The Guidelines (GWTG) Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award, exceeding several quality measures. As a Primary Stroke Center certified by the Joint Commission, PH monitors several core measures that align with the American Heart Association’s (AHA) evidence-based guidelines for improving care and outcomes.
To qualify for a Gold award, a hospital must achieve a total score of 85% across seven measures over 24 consecutive months. PH’s stroke program surpassed 90% in three measures:
IV thrombolysis arrive by 3.5 hours, treat by 4.5 hours: 88.9%
Anticoagulation prescribed for AFib/Aflutter at discharge: 100%
Antithrombotics by end of hospital day 2: 92.4%
Antithrombotic prescribed at discharge: 91.1%
Intensive statin prescribed at discharge: 88.9%
To qualify for a Gold Plus award, a hospital must score at least 75% in four additional measures. PH exceeded that criterion across the board:
Assessed for rehabilitation: 96.2%
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) reported: 81.4%
LDL Documented: 91.9%
Dysphagia screening: 93.5%
Presbyterian named LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality High Performer. All nine Presbyterian hospitals across the state have been recognized as “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality High Performers” in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual Healthcare Equality Index (HEI). Presbyterian received the highest score in New Mexico and is the first healthcare system in the state with more than one hospital recognized.
HEI evaluates healthcare facilities on policies and practices dedicated to the equitable treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ+ patients, visitors and employees.
To demonstrate that they are going beyond the basics when it comes to adopting policies and practices in LGBTQ+ care, facilities are evaluated on detailed criteria in four central pillars:
Foundational Policies and Training in LGBTQ+ Patient-Centered Care;
LGBTQ+ Patient Services and Support;
Employee Benefits and Policies; and,
Patient and Community Engagement.
Presbyterian’s systemwide focus on improving health equity in our community is led by the Presbyterian Community Health team and our Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer. Learn more about Inclusion, Diversity and Equity and our Commitment to Health Equity at Presbyterian.
2023 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
American College of Emergency Physicians awards gold level Pain and Accreditation Care accreditation to Presbyterian Hospital, Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center
Three Presbyterian hospitals – Presbyterian Hospital, Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center – have been awarded gold level Pain and Addiction Care accreditation from the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Presbyterian hospitals were recognized for their innovative and evidence-based programs to improve care for patients. These efforts include:
Begin medication assisted treatment (buprenorphine) to treat opioid withdrawal while patients are still in the Emergency Department.
Educate and dispense naloxone to patients, as well as family members, in the Emergency Department.
Provide evidence-based treatment for opiate and alcohol use disorder through an interdisciplinary workgroup that includes peer support specialists, pharmacy, informatics, addiction and emergency medicine.
Create effective opiate stewardship strategies for painful conditions seen in the Emergency Department.
Offer non-pharmacologic pain management options in the Emergency Department.
2022 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
NMHA honors Lincoln County Medical Center, Socorro General Hospital, Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital and Presbyterian Rust Medical Center. Each year, the New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA) requests applications from hospitals for initiatives that improve patient safety and quality. Winners and honorable mentions are then selected for Quest for Excellence and Patient Experience Innovation Awards.
In 2022, the NMHA selected the following Presbyterian facilities:
Lincoln County Medical Center received a Quest for Excellence award for work to improve the hospitals’ fall rate.
Socorro General Hospital received an honorable mention for Patient Experience innovation for a project to improve care transitions and discharge planning.
Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital received a Patient Experience Innovation award for their work on COVID-19 containment in inpatient Behavioral Health units.
Presbyterian Rust Medical Center earned an honorable mention for Patient Experience Innovation for work developing a daily patient rounding process referred to as "Blitz Rounds."
Presbyterian named LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader. Presbyterian Healthcare Services earned the top score of 100 and was designated an “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader” in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 15th annual Healthcare Equality Index (HEI).
HEI evaluates healthcare facilities on policies and practices dedicated to the equitable treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ+ patients, visitors and employees.
To demonstrate that they are going beyond the basics when it comes to adopting policies and practices in LGBTQ+ care, facilities are evaluated on detailed criteria in four central pillars:
Foundational Policies and Training in LGBTQ+ Patient-Centered Care;
LGBTQ+ Patient Services and Support;
Employee Benefits and Policies; and,
Patient and Community Engagement.
This year, 906 healthcare facilities actively participated in the survey. Presbyterian was among 496 organizations to receive a maximum score in each section and earn the “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation. Presbyterian’s systemwide focus on improving health equity in our community is led by the Presbyterian Community Health team and our Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer. Learn more about Inclusion, Diversity and Equity and our Commitment to Health Equity at Presbyterian.
2021 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
Presbyterian Hospital’s Stroke Program receives Gold Plus Achievement Award. For the third consecutive year, Presbyterian Hospital’s Stroke Program received a Gold Plus Achievement Award from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
Presbyterian Hospital’s (PH) stroke program received its third Get with The Guidelines (GWTG) Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award, exceeding several quality measures.
As a Primary Stroke Center certified by the Joint Commission, PH monitors several core measures that align with the American Heart Association’s (AHA) evidence-based guidelines for improving care and outcomes.
To qualify for a Gold award, a hospital must achieve a total score of 85% across seven measures over 24 consecutive months. PH’s Stroke Program surpassed 90% in five measures:
IV thrombolysis arrive by 3.5 hours, treat by 4.5 hours: 100%
Anticoagulation prescribed for AFib/Aflutter at discharge: 100%
Antithrombotics by end of hospital day 2: 98%
Antithrombotic prescribed at discharge: 98%
Intensive statin prescribed at discharge: 92%
To qualify for a Gold Plus award, a hospital must score at least 75% in four additional measures. PH exceeded that criterion across the board:
Assessed for rehabilitation: 97%
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) reported: 88%
LDL Documented: 87%
Dysphagia screening: 80%
Door-to-needle ≤ 60 minutes: 80%
2020 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
Presbyterian named LGBTQ Health Care Equality Top Performer. Presbyterian was recently named an “LGBTQ Health Care Equality Top Performer” by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC) for its commitment to inclusive care for LGBTQ patients.
The designation was awarded in the 13th edition of HRC’s Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), which included 193 organizations that earned the Top Performer designation. Health care organizations were ranked in the following areas:
Non-Discrimination & Staff Training
Patient Services & Support
Employee Benefits & Policies
Patient & Community Engagement
Responsible Citizenship
Presbyterian ranked second in nation by Lown Index. Presbyterian Healthcare Services received an A+ overall and was named second among 305 health care systems by the Lown Institute Hospitals Index, a new national ranking of U.S. hospitals and health systems.
The Lown Institute, a Brookline, Mass.-based nonpartisan think tank created the Lown Institute Hospitals Index to help hospitals better serve and support their communities. The Index shows how nearly 3,300 U.S. hospitals compare on 42 performance indicators. The measures fall under three categories:
Civic Leadership, which assesses a commitment to equity, inclusion and community health;
Value of Care, which measures use of unnecessary services; and
Patient Outcomes, which evaluates patient safety, satisfaction, and clinical outcomes.
Presbyterian received A or A+ grades on all three measures, scoring highest in the categories of inclusivity, patient safety and avoiding overuse measures.
Presbyterian Rust Medical Center earns Quest for Excellence Award from NMHA. Presbyterian Rust Medical Center earned the Quest for Excellence Award, the New Mexico Hospital Association’s (NMHA) premier honor at the annual meeting in October. The hospital was honored for a project that enlisted multiple teams and approaches to sustain and fully integrate important quality improvement programs.
Lincoln County Medical Center was also named a Quest for Excellence Award winner in the rural/critical access hospital category. The hospital was honored for a program that used nationally recognized patient quality data to significantly reduce the wait times from emergency departments to inpatient admission.
Presbyterian Health Plan named Reader’s Choice winner. Presbyterian Health Plan was named the winner in the health insurance category in the Albuquerque Journal Reader’s Choice 2020 awards. Presbyterian Hospital was the Reader’s Choice winner in the hospital category.
Lincoln County Medical Center, Presbyterian Española Hospital and Plains Regional Medical Center recognized as Baby-Friendly®. In recognition of their commitment to exceptional care for mothers and babies, Lincoln County Medical Center, Plains Regional Medical and Presbyterian Española Hospital have all been named Baby-Friendly® designated birth facilities.
This prestigious designation by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that offer breastfeeding mothers the information, confidence and skills needed to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies.
To qualify as Baby-Friendly, a hospital must show it has implemented 10 evidence-based practices that support breastfeeding and undergo a rigorous on-site survey. Baby-Friendly® hospitals and birthing facilities must adhere to the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to receive and retain the designation.
Lincoln County Medical Center earns five-star rating, critical access recognition. Lincoln County Medical Center was one of only three hospitals in New Mexico to earn a five-star overall hospital quality rating, the highest possible, from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS). The overall rating is based on performance across seven quality areas, including mortality, safety of care, readmissions, patient experience, effectiveness of care, timeliness of care and efficient use of medical imaging. LCMC is the only hospital in New Mexico to receive the five-star rating twice since the program began in 2016.
LCMC was also one of four critical access hospitals across the country to recently receive national recognition for an initiative to coordinate care and improve patient health. The national Rural Health Resource Center and the New Mexico Department of Health's Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program recognized LCMC with this year's critical access hospital recognition for a project that dramatically reduced hospital readmissions among Medicare patients.
2019 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
HealthInsight recognized 20 PMG clinics with High Performance Award. HealthInsight New Mexico recognized 20 Presbyterian Medical Group outpatient medical practices for their commitment to improving performance and promoting patient-centered care. HealthInsight recognized the outpatient clinics for their commitment to improving performance and promoting patient-centered care with a High Performance Award. This award recognized clinics that have achieved above the 75th percentile on national benchmarks on key measures, such as whether they participated in important health screenings, like colonoscopies and mammograms.
Lincoln County Medical center named Top Overall Hospital by NMHA. LCMC was named Top Overall Hospital by the New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA) at its annual meeting on September 25 in recognition of its high performance in quality and patient safety initiatives.
LCMC was also named a Quest for Excellence Award winner in the rural/critical access hospital category for a program that significantly reduced re-admissions to the hospital among patients aged 65 and older. Each year, the NMHA requests applications from hospitals for initiatives that improve patient safety and quality. This year, there were 25 Quest for Excellence applications. The NMHA’s Quality Committee chose the top three. Representatives from five hospital associations outside New Mexico then chose LCMC to be named Top Overall Hospital.
Todd Oberheu, hospital chief executive at Lincoln County Medical Center, also received the Senior-Level Healthcare Executive Regent’s Award from the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). This award recognizes ACHE members who have made significant contributions to healthcare management and demonstrate a commitment to professional excellence.
Plains Regional Medical Center Home Health Care Recognized for Patient Experience. HealthInsight New Mexico recognized Plains Regional Medical Center Home Health Care with a 2018 Home Health Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (HHCAHPS) recognition certificate in February 2019. Agencies receiving the HHCAHPS Recognition Certificate have ranked in the top 25 percent nationally on HHCAHPS scores, which shows they are providing their patients with an excellence experience of home care, according to HealthInsight New Mexico.
Presbyterian Rust Medical Center Named a Top Performer for Quality, Safety. Presbyterian Rust Medical Center was named a top performer for quality and patient safety at the annual meeting of the New Mexico Hospital Association, based on the most recent 12 months in the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network, a program funded by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. Presbyterian Rust Medical Center was named one of the top five general acute care hospitals.
Socorro General Hospital Named a Top Performer for Quality, Safety. SGH was named one of the top performers in New Mexico at the New Mexico Hospital Association annual meeting for its focus on improving patient safety through the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN), a program funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. SGH was named one of the top five rural hospitals in the state.
2018 Awards, Honors & Recognitions
Dr. Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital Earned Hospital Quality Award from HealthInsight. DCT earned the 2018 HealthInsight Hospital Quality Award for high performance on quality of care outcome measures and patient satisfaction based on national rankings in three categories: a national survey of patients’ experience of hospital care, healthcare-associated infections, and readmissions.
Socorro General Hospital Earned Baby-Friendly® designation. SGH earned the prestigious Baby-Friendly® birth facility designation, which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that offer breastfeeding mothers the information, confidence and skills needed to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies. For the SGH team’s efforts to become Baby-Friendly, the hospital was awarded the Quest for Excellence Award by the NMHA in 2018.
Socorro General Hospital Recognized by HealthInsight for Patient Care. Socorro General Hospital Home Health Care received two awards from HealthInsight New Mexico: the 2018 Quality Award for patient care, a Certificate of Excellence in Quality Improvement and Systems (HCAHPS) Recognition Certificates for top 25 percent national ranking.
Plains Regional Medical Center and Presbyterian Espanola Hospital honored by rural health group. Plains Regional Medical Center and Presbyterian Española Hospital achieved top performance in patient outcomes and were awarded certificates of achievement by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health in November 2018.
Presbyterian Cancer Care Receives National Accreditation. For its efforts to improve outcomes for patients with breast disease, Presbyterian Cancer Care was recently awarded a new three-year accreditation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC). It first received the accreditation in 2012.
NAPBC accreditation is only given to those cancer centers that commit to providing high level breast care and undergo a rigorous evaluation and review of their performance.
The NAPBC evaluates cancer centers in areas such as leadership, clinical management, research, community outreach, professional education and quality improvement. Patients who receive care at an accredited center have access to comprehensive care, cutting-edge technology, multidisciplinary teams and information about clinical trials and new treatment options, according to the NAPBC.
For more information about the NAPBC, visit:
Presbyterian Receives New Mexico Family Friendly Business Gold Award. Presbyterian received the 2018-2019 New Mexico Family Friendly Business Gold Award from the New Mexico Task Force on Work Life Balance, which recognizes and supports businesses that adopt and implement family friendly policies for their employees.
Those recognized at the Gold Level have four or more policies that help employees balance work and family. These policies include providing access to health insurance; paid vacation; making reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees; flexible leave time for parents to attend their kids’ medical or school needs; paid family leave; and ensuring workplaces have proper breastfeeding space and storage, among other family friendly benefits.
Presbyterian Recognized for Surgical Outcomes. For its success with surgical patient care outcomes, Presbyterian Hospital was recognized by The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP®) as a “Meritorious Hospital” for 2017.
ACS NSQIP® recognized 83 of an eligible 568 hospitals participating in its adult program. ACS NSQIP-participating hospitals track the outcomes of inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures and then analyze their results. These results direct patient safety initiatives within the hospital and impact the quality of surgical care delivered to patients.
Presbyterian Hospital Named One of the Nation’s Top 50 Cardiovascular Hospitals for the Second Year in a Row. Presbyterian Hospital* was recently named one of the nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals by IBM Watson Health™ for the second year in a row and third time overall. Presbyterian Hospital is the only hospital in New Mexico to receive this award.
According to IBM Watson Health, if all cardiovascular providers in the U.S. performed at the level of this year’s winners (based on Medicare patients only) results industry-wide could amount to:
More than 10,300 additional lives saved.
$1.8 billion in health care cost savings.
2,800 additional bypass and angioplasty patients could be complication-free.
The IBM Watson Health 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals study uses 2016 and 2017 Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data, 2017 Medicare cost reports and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare published in the second quarter of 2018. This annual study identifies the top U.S. hospitals for inpatient cardiovascular service and highest performing cardiovascular service lines in the nation. Hospitals were scored in key value-based performance areas such as higher inpatient survival rates, fewer complications, shorter lengths of stay, lower costs and lower readmission rates. For more information, visit:
*Combined data from all three Presbyterian Central New Mexico hospitals were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Lincoln County Medical Center Earns Quality Awards. In recognition of its commitment to patient quality and safety, Lincoln County Medical Center has earned several awards from the New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA) and HealthInsight New Mexico.
LCMC earned the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) Award from the NMHA for two years of performance improvement evidenced by measurements of quality and patient safety. The award was presented on September 25, 2018 at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the NMHA in Albuquerque.
LCMC is one of fifteen New Mexico hospitals recognized for excellence during the 2016-2018 phase of HIIN. The multi-year program supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services aims to ensure better care for individuals and populations throughout the state. LCMC was recognized for significant improvement in decreasing the number of hospital readmissions and adverse drug reactions.
In addition to the HIIN award, LCMC was one of eight New Mexico hospitals to earn the 2018 HealthInsight Hospital Quality Award. HealthInsight Quality Award hospital recipients are recognized for their high performance on quality of care outcome measures and patient satisfaction. They were selected based on national rankings in three categories: the results of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, a national survey of patients' experience of hospital care; healthcare-associated infections; and readmissions. The individual measures were combined into a single weighted composite ranking. Hospitals at or above the top 25th percentile nationally on this combined ranking received the award.
Presbyterian Española Hospital Earns Quality Awards. In recognition of its commitment to quality care and patient experience, Presbyterian Española Hospital (PEH) has earned two awards from HealthInsight New Mexico.
PEH was one of eight New Mexico hospitals to earn the 2018 HealthInsight Hospital Quality Award. HealthInsight Quality Award hospital recipients are recognized for their high performance on quality of care outcome measures and patient satisfaction. They were selected based on national rankings in three categories: the results of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, a national survey of patients' experience of hospital care; healthcare-associated infections; and readmissions. The individual measures were combined into a single weighted composite ranking. Hospitals at or above the top 25th percentile nationally on this combined ranking received the award.
In addition, PEH was one of three 2018 HealthInsight Hospital Quality Award winners also recognized with HCAHPS Performance Recognition Certificates at the New Mexico Hospital Association Annual Meeting in Albuquerque on September 26, 2018. HCAHPS certificates were awarded to hospitals that demonstrated high-quality performance for providing patients with an excellent experience of hospital care. Hospitals in this category ranked at or above the 75th percentile nationally on the HCAHPS survey.
Plains Regional Medical Center Earns Quality Awards. In recognition of its commitment to patient quality and safety, Plains Regional Medical Center has earned recent awards from the New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA) and HealthInsight New Mexico.
PRMC earned the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) Award from the NMHA for two years of performance improvement evidenced by measurements of quality and patient safety. The award was presented on September 26, 2018 at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Hospital Association in Albuquerque.
PRMC is one of 15 New Mexico hospitals recognized for excellence during the 2016-2018 phase of HIIN. The multi-year program supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services aims to ensure better care for individuals and populations throughout the state. PRMC was recognized for significant improvement in decreasing the number of hospital readmissions and surgical site infections.
Dr. Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital Earns Hospital Innovation Improvement Award. Dr. Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital (DCT) has earned the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) Award for two years of performance improvement evidenced by measurements of quality and patient safety.
The award was presented in a ceremony on September 26, 2018 at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Hospital Association in Albuquerque.
DCT is one of fifteen New Mexico hospitals recognized for excellence during the 2016-2018 phase of HIIN. The multi-year program supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, aims to ensure better care for individuals and populations throughout the state. DCT was recognized for significant improvements in decreasing the number of patient falls and hospital readmissions.
Presbyterian earns awards from Premier for quality and high-value purchasing. Presbyterian Healthcare Services was recognized by Premier Inc., a leading healthcare improvement company, for programs to reduce risk and enhance the quality of care and for high-value purchasing practices.
Presbyterian was one of only three organizations in the country to receive the American Excess Insurance Exchange Risk Management Award for its work to improve follow-up with patients when radiology reports reveal unsuspected findings.
In addition, Presbyterian was one of 14 hospitals and health systems to receive the Supply Chain Excellence Award for superior supply expense performance from Premier.
Presbyterian Hospital Receives Several Awards for Heart Attack and Stroke Care. Two national organizations recently recognized Presbyterian Hospital* for high standards of care for heart attack and stroke patients. We are proud to share the following recognitions:
American College of Cardiology’s National Cardiovascular Data Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award recognizing sustained performance at the top level of standards for specific performance measures as outlined by the American College of Cardiology.
American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline STEMI Gold Plus Receiving Quality Achievement Award distinguishing our delivery of quality care for the most high-risk, sensitive heart emergencies.
American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline NSTEMI Gold Quality Achievement Award for quick and appropriate treatment of NSTEMI heart attack patients by providing emergency procedures to re-establish blood flow to blocked arteries when needed.
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award recognizing our dedication to up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines with the goal of speeding recovery and reducing death and disability for stroke patients.
Congratulations to all involved for these outstanding achievements and thank you for your dedication and commitment to providing the highest quality care to our patients and members.
*Combined data from all three Presbyterian Central New Mexico hospitals were submitted under the umbrella of Presbyterian Hospital.
Presbyterian and Partners Receive Additional Support from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to Improve Community Health. Presbyterian Healthcare Services and the Healthy Here initiative were recently awarded additional funding through phase 2 of the Spreading Community Accelerators through Learning and Evaluation (SCALE) grant.
Since 2015, SCALE has helped to reduce chronic disease, increase physical activity and improve access to healthier foods in New Mexico. For example, through SCALE, the International District community came together to create a solar power project to make walking safer for residents.
SCALE focuses on community-to-community learning by matching similar communities across the country seeking to accelerate change. Through peer learning and IHI’s quality improvement workshops, these communities develop best practices to improve community health.
Presbyterian Rust Medical Center Earns Prestigious Baby-Friendly® Designation. In recognition of its commitment to exceptional care and lifelong health benefits for mothers and babies, Presbyterian Rust Medical Center has received prestigious international recognition as a Baby-Friendly® Designated birth facility for five years from Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. This designation recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that offer breastfeeding mothers the information, confidence and skills needed to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies.
To qualify, a hospital must demonstrate that it has implemented 10 evidence-based practices that support breastfeeding and undergo a rigorous on-site survey. Baby-Friendly® hospitals and birthing facilities must adhere to the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to receive and retain the designation.