Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
Among other services, our chaplains and spiritual care staff provide ministry and emotional support for patients and their families, support for healthcare workers in times of crisis, and community activities and support.
Helping Patients and Their Families
Our chaplains and spiritual care staff offer:
Bedside visitation and support if you are in pain, anxious, experiencing the grief process, have questions, or need to relax
Information about hospital and community services, such as food, lodging, funeral, and other resources
Prayer, religious ceremonies and sacraments, or assistance locating someone from your faith background
To request chaplaincy or spiritual care services for a patient, a family member, or a staff member, call the hospital operator and ask them to page the on-call chaplain. Please be sure to provide the patient's room number so that the chaplain is able to find you. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the following locations:
Other Presbyterian hospitals across the state also offer chaplaincy and spiritual care services between Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Supporting the Community
We offer chapels for prayer and reflection at each of our hospitals. We provide formal services and individualized support, along with programs and activities to support the local community.
P.O. Box 26666 Albuquerque, NM 87125-6666 Phone:
Toll-free: , ext. 1191