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Covering Your Care & Financial Assistance

Covering Your Care & Financial Assistance

To maintain our ability to provide the best healthcare possible to New Mexicans, the following payment expectations apply for non-emergency services for both insured and uninsured patients seeking care at Presbyterian-owned facilities. In the event of an emergency, Presbyterian will provide the necessary medical treatment regardless of one's ability to pay.

Important: If your insurance is not in the Presbyterian Healthcare Services network, you must obtain prior authorization for all services. Prior authorization is not a guarantee of payment or a guarantee of an in-network benefit. Patients outside of their primary network may be subject to a higher co-pay/deductible. Call your insurance provider directly to confirm coverage.

  1. For insured patients: Your deductible, co-payment and/or co-insurance, if applicable, are due at the time of service. A deductible is the amount you must pay before your benefit plan starts paying any portion of your medical services. After your deductible is met, you may have to pay a co-payment (a set dollar amount) or co-insurance (a percentage of the cost) for your medical care. Some plans do not require a deductible. Please refer to your benefit plan documents for the amounts that you must pay for different services. If you are scheduled for a non-emergency medical procedure or surgery, we may contact you before your appointment to provide you an estimate of your cost and to collect your co-payment, deductible, and/or co-insurance.

  2. For uninsured patients: Presbyterian offers a 30% discount on all services. We will provide you an estimate of the cost so you are able to make an informed decision as to whether or not you would like to proceed with the requested service. If you need help paying for your bill, Presbyterian offers financial assistance and counseling to our patients who may have difficulty paying for their care.

  3. Presbyterian hospitals and clinics (including Presbyterian Medical Group) accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment.

  4. If you are unable to pay on the day of your appointment, or earlier if requested, we can reschedule your appointment.

  5. If you are approved for payment arrangements, you must pay according to the agreement terms. If you do not pay according to your agreed upon commitment, your account will be considered delinquent and will be subject to additional collection terms. Please note this may include the inability to schedule future appointments with your physician, as well as referral to an outside collection agency. This action may impact your credit status.

  6. Self-Pay and Underinsured Debt Collection: Please be aware that a determination of indigency will be conducted if requested, and if the patient is found TO BE indigent, no collection activity will be pursued.

    Notice of Protection Against Medical Debt Collection


Presbyterian is committed to transparency in healthcare, including​ helping to answer your questions about the amount you may be charged for medical services.

Learn more about estimates for medical services


Financial assistance and counselors are available to our patients who are uninsured or underinsured, and have difficulty paying for care. Presbyterian offers payment options, including payment plans for those who qualify, and financial assistance.

Providers in certain rural clinics may offer a sliding scale discount at the time of service for uninsured or underinsured patients who are eligible. The sliding scale is available upon request.

Some services in certain rural clinics will not deny service based on a patient’s inability to pay. A sliding discount fee scale is available and is based on family income and number of family dependents. Services may include family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health and obstetrics/gynecology. For help with the sliding fee scale or questions, please call the clinic directly. [Algunos servicios en ciertas clínicas rurales no negarán el servicio debido a la incapacidad de pago del paciente. Una escala de tarifas de descuento variable está disponible y se basa en el ingreso familiar y el número de familiares a cargo. Los servicios pueden incluir medicina familiar, medicina interna, pediatría, salud sicologica y obstetricia / ginecología. Para obtener más ayuda con la escala móvil de tarifas o preguntas, llame a la clínica directamente.]

Sliding Scale Discounts Program Policy


To apply for financial assistance, please complete an online application or fill out the printable application below. You may also visit the nearest Presbyterian facility and ask to speak with a Patient Service Representative or you may call us at 

 or toll free at .

Financial Assistance PolicyLas normas y los procedimientos de la ayuda financieraPatient Billing and Collection PolicyLa División de Cobros y Recobros de Impagados de los PacientesFinancial Assistance ApplicationFinancial Assistance DeterminationDeterminación de ayuda financieraPlain Language SummaryResumen en Términos Sencillos

Online Financial Assistance Application

Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera

Upon completion of the application, a Presbyterian representative will review your request based on Presbyterian's Financial Assistance Determination guidelines and policies.

Presbyterian Healthcare Services financial assistance policy utilizes the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) as a basis for establishing eligibility for free or reduced cost of medically necessary services. Patients who qualify for a discount will be charged the lesser of the discounted rate or the Medicare allowable. No person eligible for financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Policy will be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering such care. The process requires completion of an application which requires the disclosure of financial information necessary to determine eligibility.​​​​ If you are approved for financial assistance, this approval remains in effect until December 31 of the year in which approval was received. You will need to reapply for financial assistance on or after January 1.

Patient Debt Collection Act

Our facilities all adhere to a uniform financial assistance policy and comply with the requirements of the New Mexico Patient Debt Collection Protection Act including its reporting requirements.

NM Debt Collection Act Report

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Take a Healthy Living Class

Our Community Health team offers a variety of free online and in-person classes on a wide range of topics including cooking, gardening and fitness.

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Convenient Online Care When You Need It

Telehealth appointments are now available using video or online messaging services, giving you the flexibility to get care when you need it, safely and conveniently, without always needing to schedule an in-person visit.

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