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If you are a Pharmaceutical Company or vendor and are interested in working with Presbyterian Health Plan’s Pharmacy Services department on a contracting agreement or presenting clinical data to the pharmacist, techs, and medical directors please submit your request via email.

Clinical Presentations

Clinical presentations are held biweekly on Thursdays during the noon hour. Please send a detailed email to the RX Manufacture’s email address at

Please list the name of the FDA approved medication or the topic for discussion and a proposed agenda. We are currently not scheduling pipeline reviews. Please attach any documentation you are able to share and the names of the members of your staff that will be in attendance. Your email will be forwarded to the members of the P&T and Contracting Committees to vote upon. Please allow 15-20 business days for a response.

Medical Contracting Conference Calls

Medical Contracting conversations and negotiations are done via conference calls and WebEx meetings only and are scheduled by the Rebate/Data Manager. The calls and WebEx are scheduled in half-hour time blocks throughout the week Please send a proposed agenda to Optum RX manages the contracts for Pharmacy agents that adjudicate via the pharmacy benefit, however Presbyterian manages formulary control.

We request that any communications come thru one of the above options. Please do not contact any member of the pharmacy staff directly, unless they have initiated the call. There may be delays in processing your request if another method of contact is utilized. You are welcome to contact the Department Administrator at 

 if you have an urgent issue.