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COVID-19 Resource Center

Quick Links

  • Coronavirus Hotline: 1-855-600-3453
  • Track Your COVID-19 Test Results
  • NM Department of Health
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Order Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

Visitor Policies

At Presbyterian, the health and safety of our patients, visitors and workforce is our top priority.

To learn about the current visitor policy for the facility you want to visit, please click on the Presbyterian facility listed below:

Albuquerque area

Presbyterian Hospital and surrounding area PMG clinics

Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital and surrounding area PMG clinics

Presbyterian Rust Medical Center and surrounding area PMG clinics

Outside of Albuquerque

Presbyterian Española Hospital and surrounding area PMG clinics

Presbyterian Santa Fe Medical Center and surrounding area PMG clinics

Lincoln County Medical Center and surrounding area PMG clinics

Dr. Dan C. Trigg Hospital and surrounding area PMG clinics

Plains Regional Medical Center and surrounding area PMG clinics

Socorro General Hospital and surrounding area PMG clinics

Hospital Visitor Policy

To protect our patients and employees, it is highly recommended that all patients and visitors over the age of two (2) years wear a medical-grade mask for the entire length of their stay or visit.

Masks will continue to be required if you are a visitor or patient who:

  • Has symptoms of infection such as fever, cough, sneeze or runny nose

  • Has had close contact with someone with a known infection such as the flu or COVID-19 within the last 10 days

  • Will be on a unit with patients who are immunocompromised, such as cancer or transplant patients

These patients and visitors will need to:

  • Wear a face mask for the entire visit, even in the patient’s room

  • Make sure the mask covers nose and mouth completely

  • Wear other personal protective gear, as instructed by staff

  • Limit the surfaces they touch and perform hand hygiene using hand gel or soap and water

  • Follow all other requirements and directions provided by staff

Clinic Visitor Policy

It is highly recommended that all patients and visitors over the age of two (2) years wear a medical-grade mask for the entire length of their visit.

Waiting rooms are for patients and their designated support person(s) only. A support person may accompany the patient to departments if help with walking or mobility is needed. At times, the number of visitors may be limited or asked to wait outside, due to the limited seating in the lobby or patient waiting room spaces.