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Nuestra Comunidad

Presbyterian Leadership

Presbyterian's success is a tribute to the people who built the organization and the patients and members they have served, beginning with the Reverend Hugh A. Cooper, who started Presbyterian as a tiny tuberculosis sanatorium more than one hundred years ago. Now, as then, our leaders are highly trained healthcare professionals who choose to dedicate their talents to building a healthcare system that provides access to some of the best care in the world to New Mexicans across the state. Meet the distinguished professionals guiding us today:

Presbyterian Healthcare Services Leadership

Because we are owned by the communities we serve, we are governed and guided by community leaders who comprise our boards of directors. In their service to Presbyterian, these leaders from New Mexico and beyond dedicate their time, energy and expertise to improving the health of patients, members and communities we serve. Learn more about our remarkable Board members by visiting our Board pages:

Presbyterian Healthcare Services Board of Directors

Presbyterian Health Plan Board of Directors

Community at Health Plan Place

Presbyterian’s Health Plan Place is here to support you in your health journey. Resources, classes, services and social events are open and free of charge to our Albuquerque community.

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Volunteer with Presbyterian

Give the gift of your time. From hospice, to the information desk, to pet therapy opportunities, we have many ways you can make a difference.

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Make a Gift in Your Will

Remembering Presbyterian in your will or with a gift from your estate is a meaningful way to make a positive difference for generations to come.

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