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Health Equity

In 2019, Presbyterian embarked on a formalized journey to address health equity in our communities and for our patients and members. To achieve health equity, we seek to understand how our patients experience health inequities due to structural and social determinants of health (SDOH). We strive to remove barriers for individuals as we simultaneously seek big-picture, systemic change. This work is carried out across the system and through interdisciplinary, enterprise-wide committees, including the Health Equity, LGBTQ+, and Perinatal Health Equity Committees.

Health equity means that "everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible" according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. This means removing obstacles that contribute to health inequity, such as poverty and discrimination, as well as their consequences including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and healthcare.

Health equity is essential to delivering on the Presbyterian purpose to better serve members, patients and communities in New Mexico. Presbyterian is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment that creates the conditions for all our patients and members to thrive. To guide this work, Presbyterian utilized the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) best practice framework and IHI Health Equity assessment to build a foundation and strengthen our enterprise approach.

  • Make Equity a Strategic Priority

  • Build Infrastructure to Support Health Equity

  • Address the Multiple Determinants of Health

  • Eliminate Racism and Other Forms of Oppression

  • Partner with the Community to Improve Health Equity

At Presbyterian, we all work toward improving health equity. For example, as a participant in the CMS Accountable Health Communities program, we are engaged with our partners in screening patients for social needs and aligning the health and social service system. Through this effort, we have expanded our team of peer support specialists and community health workers who work closely with patients who are experiencing the greatest health inequities. We have also created programs to address issues communities across our state tell us are most important to them, such as access to behavioral health care and healthy food. This means community investments in local agriculture, referral-based programs that connect individuals to fresh produce and additional healthy food in their community, and prevention and chronic disease management education and support as part of our overarching Food as Medicine initiatives. 

Learn more about our commitment to health equity by reading our Health Equity Reports:

Presbyterian’s Health Equity Report: Calendar Year 2022 and 2023Presbyterian’s Health Equity Report: Calendar Year 2020 and 2021

Join our Health Equity Training Courses to explore related topics, including how to identify health inequities, the importance of cultural sensitivity, effective cross-cultural communication, eliminating racism and other forms of oppression and trauma-informed care. Courses are open to Presbyterian employees and community partners.

Health Equity Course Schedule and Training Registration

Why We Ask

To care for you, we need to know you

At Presbyterian, we care about you, your health and your well-being. Because we promise to know you and want to care for you better, we will ask for detailed information about your race, ethnic background, preferred language, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Learn more about the questions we may ask during a visit or in MyChart


Presbyterian is committed to LGBTQIA+ health equity. The LGBTQIA+ Care Program aims to improve access to and experiences in healthcare for LGBTQIA+ New Mexicans through direct patient, member and community support, as well as programmatic systems change efforts.

This program provides a confidential mechanism for navigation of the Presbyterian Health System for LGBTQIA+ people seeking care and/or who are Presbyterian Health Plan members. Email us at to learn more

LGBTQIA+ Patient-Centered Care Education

Presbyterian proudly offers free educational opportunities to all workforce members, both internally and through our national partners. Most activities offer AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM and/or other CEUs.

Presbyterian-Hosted Trainings

As part of the Health Equity Training Courses, the LGBTQIA+ Care Program provides monthly and ongoing educational opportunities for clinical staff, non-clinical healthcare staff, and members of the community.

Health Equity Course Schedule and Training Registration

Through Our Partners

As a participant in the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), we are excited to offer free, self-paced, online education to our workforce.

Learn about registering for HEI online education

The Center for Affiliated Learning (the CAL)

The CAL offers a range of free online trainings ranging from basics of LGBTQ patient-centered care to more specialized topics such as serving trans youth. These trainings include both introductory and advanced courses.

National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

A program of the Fenway Institute that provides education, resources, and consultation to healthcare organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective healthcare for LGBTQIA+ people.

Healthcare Equality Index (HEI)

We are proud that all nine Presbyterian hospitals across New Mexico are recognized as LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality High Performers by the Human Right’s Campaign Foundation’s Healthcare Equality Index (HEI). HEI is a national benchmark survey that evaluates healthcare facilities on policies and procedures related to equity and inclusion of LGBTQ patients, visitors and employees. Presbyterian received the highest score in New Mexico and is the first healthcare system in the state with more than one hospital recognized.

Learn about HEI

Local and National LGBTQIA+ Resources

Community at Health Plan Place

Presbyterian’s Health Plan Place is here to support you in your health journey. Resources, classes, services and social events are open and free of charge to our Albuquerque community.

See more details

Volunteer with Presbyterian

Give the gift of your time. From hospice, to the information desk, to pet therapy opportunities, we have many ways you can make a difference.

Apply to volunteer

Make a Gift from Your IRA

A thoughtful way to support our caregivers, hospitals, clinics and medical programs is with a charitable gift from your IRA.

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