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Turquoise Care

A partir del 1 de julio de 2024

Medicaid Eligibility: How to Apply
Children in State Custody
Turquoise Care for Native Americans
Pregnancy and Well-Baby Reward Programs
Turquoise Rewards
Transportation Benefits
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El plan preferencial de Nuevo México para Turquoise Care

Turquoise Care es el nuevo nombre del programa de atención médica administrada de Medicaid de Nuevo México (actualmente conocido como Centennial Care) que comenzará el 1º de julio de 2024.

Presbyterian ha formado parte de la historia de Nuevo México por más de 100 años. Somos nuevomexicanos y sabemos lo importante que es la atención médica para usted y su familia.

Presbyterian Health Plan es el único plan que ha atendido continuamente a los asegurados de Medicaid desde que Nuevo México comenzó la atención médica administrada de Medicaid hace más de 20 años. Estamos orgullosos de seguir siendo su compañero para una vida sana.

Está tomando una medida importante: elegir la mejor cobertura de seguro médico para usted y su familia. Estamos aquí para ofrecerle los servicios que necesita para su bienestar general.

¿Qué es Turquoise Care?

Turquoise Care es el nuevo nombre del programa de la Organización de Atención Médica Administrada de Medicaid [Medicaid Managed Care, MCO] de Nuevo México que comenzará el 1º de julio de 2024.

Recibirá una carta en un sobre amarillo del Departamento de Servicios Humanos [Human Services Department, HSD]. Como asegurado actual de Presbyterian Centennial Care, no tiene que tomar ninguna acción si decide permanecer con Presbyterian Health Plan. Sus beneficios, proveedores y coordinador de atención médica seguirán siendo los mismos. Recibirá nuestro nuevo manual y tarjeta de identificación de Turquoise Care antes del 1º de julio de 2024.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo solicitar la cobertura de Medicaid o para cambiar o volver a inscribirse en su MCO, favor de visitar YESNM o llamar al


What does Medicaid cover?

Presbyterian Turquoise Care Medicaid Covered Benefits

Presbyterian Turquoise Care gives you all the care you need. The plan covers things like:

  • Preventive care: Yearly checkups, mammograms, lab tests and immunizations (shots).

  • Large provider network: Access to Presbyterian Medical Group and our statewide network of primary care providers and specialists. View Turquoise Care Provider Directory

  • Care for pregnant people: Includes prenatal care and classes, follow-up care after your baby is born and special help for moms with high-risk pregnancies.

  • Rewards programs: Reward points and gift card incentives for completion of healthy living activities.

  • Dental and vision services: Routine exams to keep your teeth and gums strong. Plus, eye exams to keep your eyes healthy.

  • Transportation (ride) services: Help to get you to and from your medical appointments.

  • Disease management: Programs to help you manage your chronic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure or asthma.

  • Urgent or emergency care: Get the care you need right away for major or minor medical problems.

  • Long-term services and supports: Help to manage your complex care that may be provided in your home, a community setting or a nursing facility.

  • Behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment: A wide range of services for all ages, including a 24-hour crisis line and other behavioral health support and resources for you or your family.

  • Prescription drug coverage: Covered prescriptions, including some over-the-counter medications. You can also get a TabTime® pill box with vibrating alarm reminders to alert you when it’s time to take your medication.

Presbyterian Turquoise Care Value Added Services

Presbyterian Turquoise Care offers value added services in addition to the standard covered benefits and services. Value added services are not subject to the appeals process. There are limitations to some of these services.

  • Pregnancy and Well-Baby Program: A no-cost program that offers rewards for taking your baby to their well-child appointments. Learn more about the Pregnancy and Well-Baby Program

  • Enhanced Care Coordination Meals on Wheels for Members Returning Home from Inpatient Admission: Meals on Wheels – an enhanced care coordination benefit. Eligible members returning home from an inpatient admission or members who have food insecurity.

  • Enhanced Care Coordination Specialized Services: Additional services for members in care coordination only (requires prior authorization). These services include wellness programs, home monitoring for high-risk members, and individualized services for members who meet criteria and as part of the member’s care plan.

  • Medisafe Medication Reminder: This is a medication reminder that you can download for free to your smartphone. It can help you manage the medications for you and/or several members of your family on one phone.

  • School Sports Physicals: A physical exam to allow children 12-18 years of age to participate in sporting activities and completion of the needed forms.

  • Tabtime Vibe Vibrating Pill Time Reminder: If you find it difficult to remember when to take your medication(s) as your provider prescribed, this modern version of the classic plastic pill case may help.

  • Traditional Medicine: Up to $300 per year reimbursed for traditional medicine or ceremonial purposes. Available only to Native American Turquoise Care members. Explore more about Native American benefits

  • Wellness Classes: Statewide community and online wellness classes for members with diabetes and/or asthma to promote healthy behaviors and improve quality of life.

Turquoise Care Plan Documents

2024 Turquoise Care Member Handbook2024 Turquoise Care Benefit Guide2024 Turquoise Care Provider Directory2024 Turquoise Care Drug Formulary - By Drug ClassHealth Plan Member Newsletters

More Forms & Documents

Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ): Generales

Preguntas más frecuentes: Nativos americanos

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Acceso completo a los proveedores de atención médica y hospitales de Presbyterian

Somos sus vecinos y sus amigos. Con más de 10,619 proveedores de atención médica y 2,016 centros clínicos por todo Nuevo México, Presbyterian ofrece atención médica especializada en las áreas de atención médica femenina, servicios pediátricos, bienestar cardíaco, atención médica contra el cáncer y más.

La creciente red estatal de Presbyterian Health Plan

Contamos con más de 26,000 proveedores de atención médica en localidades por todo Nuevo México y en las comunidades en las fronteras con Colorado y Tejas.

Los fondos que financian dichos servicios provienen, en parte, del estado de Nuevo México.