Health Plan Place
2100 Louisiana Blvd NE, Suite 408 Albuquerque, NM 87110 Map & Directions
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Start enjoying your health and wellness journey!
We’re here to help! We will educate and guide you no matter where you are in your health journey to build a strong foundation. Our resources, services and classes are open to all, free of charge and regardless of insurance.

Join us at one of our three teaching kitchens or virtually for hands-on classes. Learn practical cooking techniques and tasty recipes from registered dietitians and other nutritional experts.

Engage in physical activity to increase strength and flexibility and reduce stress from the comfort of your home or in person with others. A variety of classes for beginners and all skill levels are offered.

Self-Management & Wellness
Reach your goals with support and skills to build healthy habits. Start your journey with gardening, mindfulness and chronic disease self-management programs.
Diabetes ReCHARGE
Committing to Health and Reaching Goals with Energy
Are you newly diagnosed with diabetes, caring for someone with diabetes or needing additional support managing your diabetes?
Take part in Diabetes ReCHARGE, a free virtual and hybrid education and support program that is designed to help you learn more about diabetes and how to manage it. The program offers group, individual and ongoing sessions to support your unique needs.
To register, call the Wellness Connection Center at
or email
Explore Health Plan Place and Medicare Advantage Clinic

Services and Wellness Programs for Medicare Members
Visit Health Plan Place to see how you can take a yoga class, attend a seminar on financial planning, join a support group, or take part in any of our wide range of wellness offerings.

If you want to learn about Medicare or are already Medicare eligible and need help navigating your health plan options, Health Plan Place is your one-stop shop to discover the many options Presbyterian Health Plan has to help support your health and well-being. We’re here to help you one-on-one if you have questions about your health plan and coverage.

Health care and health insurance have many online options to manage care, wellness, and finances. Visit the Tech Bar at Health Plan Place to learn how to:
Schedule an in-person or video appointment with a provider
See the status of your health insurance claims
Access our wellness library and tools
Learn how to use wearable health devices