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Past Recordings

Herramientas y Recursos

Presbyterian ECHO Past Recordings

Below is an archive of past Presbyterian ECHO Clinics. If you do not see the one you need, please contact the PHS ECHO team

Pain and Addictions

Treatment of AUD Neuropathic Pain Treatment Musculoskeletal Treatment Interventional Treatment Safer Benzo Prescribing Safer Opioid Prescribing Naloxone for Overdose Reversal Sleep Regimens Diagnosing Depressive Disorders Rational Psychopharmacology Depressive Disorder Case Discussions Personality Disorder Methamphetamines Medical Cannabis: When to sign the form? Can meds help if they don't want to stop drinking? Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Sex Trafficking and Substances International Drug Trends Safe Injection Sites for Public Health Opioid Rotation

Child Behavioral Health

Abuse and Neglect ADHD Anxiety Disorders Attachment Autism Spectrum Disorder Bullying Eating Disorders Gender Identity Learning Disorders Legal and Ethical Issues Making Sense of Behavior: Part 1 Making Sense of Behavior: Part 2 Medication Management Mood Disorders Reproductive Health School Refusal Self Harm and Suicide Behaviors Sleep Disorders Substance Misuse Trauma

Motivational Interviewing

Using Your OARS Stages of Change Reflections Exploring Ambivalence Eliciting Change Talk Assessing Readiness to Change MI Style and Spirit Fostering a Collaborative Atmosphere Open-Ended Questions Affirmations Motivation to Change Developing Discrepancies Pros, Cons and Ambivalence Client-Centered Problem Discussion and Feedback MI Style and Traps MI Assessment Sandwich MI Principles Change Planning

Child Mental Health

Assessing suicidality in children & adolescents How and when to use “mood stabilizers” in children & adolescents How and when to use antidepressants in children & adolescents How and when to use antipsychotic meds in children & adolescents When to refer to psychiatry / How and when to use anxiolytic meds in children & adolescents


Hypertension Treatment Peripheral Vascular Disease Congestive Heart Failure Choosing the Right Anticoagulant Palpitations Abnormal EKG Preoperative Evaluation


Approach to a Patient with Thyroid Disease Approach to the Patient with Diabetes Hyperthyroidism Initiating Therapy in T2D Obesity in New Mexico Osteoporosis Workup of Patient with Low Testosterone

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