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Is Prior Authorization Required?

You can check to see if behavioral or medical prior authorization is required.

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Prior Authorization or Utilization Management Assistance

 or .

We may be reached using this number both during and after normal business hours.

​Certain specialized services and prescription drugs require a prior authorization or inpatient notification before being rendered to patients and members. Prior authorizations and inpatient notifications ensure that patients are receiving the right amount of medically necessary care in the right setting for the insurance plan for which they're enrolled.


Prior Authorization GuideIntel Connected Care Prior Authorization GuidePrior Authorization Request FormReferral Form: Care Coordination/Case Management/Disease ManagementNotice of Medicare Non-coverage FormNotice of Medicare Non-coverage Form (Spanish)Notice of Medicare Non-coverage Presbyterian Dual Plus FormImportant Information Regarding Your Hospice Services, Presbyterian Senior Care (HMO) Plans 1, 2 and 3 only

Fax completed Prior Authorization form to Presbyterian at:

  • Prior Authorization (505) 843-3047

  • Inpatient Utilization Management (505) 843-3107

  • Home Health Care (505) 559-1150

  • UNM Prior Authorization (505) 843-3108

- OR -

Complete and submit Prior Authorization online


For the most up-to-date formulary drug information access the Provider Formularies page. Formulary drug coverage status and additional restrictions are listed in the plan’s formulary (drug list).

Provider Formularies

Fax completed Prior Authorization forms to Presbyterian Pharmacy Services at (505) 923-5540 or at 1-800-724-6953.

- OR -

Complete and submit Prior Authorization online

Advanced Imaging Ordering Program

Presbyterian uses the Advanced Imaging Program, managed by Stanson Health, for prior authorizations of both non-emergent, advanced diagnostic imaging procedures and cardiac-related imaging procedures performed in an outpatient setting. The program is designed to streamline the authorization process, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes. The documents below provide additional information about the advanced imaging program. If you have any questions or concerns about the program, please contact your Provider Network management relationship executive.

Advanced Imaging Review Matrix

Stanson Health Care Portal Stanson Health Resources and Criteria

Musculoskeletal Surgery (Spine) Ordering Program

Presbyterian uses the Medical Specialty Solutions (MSS) program, managed by Evolent Specialty Services, for prior authorizations. The program is designed to streamline the authorization process, reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes. The documents below provide additional information about the MSS program. If you have any questions or concerns about the program, please contact your Provider Network Management relationship executive.

View clinical criteria and timelines, or submit a prior authorization request for musculoskeletal surgery

Utilization Review MatrixUtilization Review Matrix Musculoskeletal Surgery (Spine)

Behavioral Health

Prior Authorization GuidePrior Authorization Request Form

Behavioral Health Medical Necessity Criteria (Medicare/Commercial)

Turquoise Care Concurrent Clinical Review FormTurquoise Care Discharge Clinical Notification FormTurquoise Care Initial Clinical Review FormTurquoise Care Retrospective Clinical Review FormApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Clinical Review Form: Stage 3Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Specialty Care Clinical Review Form

Fax completed Prior Authorization form to Presbyterian at:

  • Turquoise Care BH: (505) 843-3019

  • Medicare/Commercial BH: 1-888-656-4967

- OR -

Complete and submit Prior Authorization online (Medicare/Commercial) Complete and submit Prior Authorization online (Turquoise Care only)

Is Prior Authorization Required?

You can check to see if behavioral or medical prior authorization is required.

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Join Presbyterian as a contracted Presbyterian Health Plan provider. We want to partner with you for efficient and effective healthcare. We are dedicated to superior service and quality care.

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Apply to Treat Patients in our New Mexico Hospitals and Clinics

Use our online application process to apply for privileges within our Presbyterian Delivery System of nine hospitals and many clinics throughout New Mexico.

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