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Tools & Resources

Ethics Committee

​What does the Hospital Ethics Committee do?

During hospitalization, the patient, relatives, and the healthcare team often face heart-wrenching circumstances and decisions. Upon request, the Hospital Ethics Committee conducts consultations to provide support and assist with these difficult decisions.

Who is on the Hospital Ethics Committee?

The HEC is an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, social workers, lawyers, religious leaders and community members. If you'd like to be part of the committee, please contact Mary Jarrett by email.

When would I contact the Hospital Ethics Committee?

Patients, their relatives, and healthcare team members are invited to contact Medical Ethics for a consultation when there is a desire to increase communication, weigh treatment options and explore related medical, emotional, and social issues.

How is this different from Compliance?

The Hospital Ethics Committee is a resource for medical caregivers, patients, and family members who desire consultation concerning medical issues, circumstances, and treatment. The Compliance department handles inquiries regarding business practices and corresponding laws, rules and regulations.

Contact Information

Mary Jarrett, Hospital Ethics Committee Coordinator 

If you have a request after regular business hours, call 

 and ​ask the hospital operator to page the on-call chaplain. The chaplain will be able to reach a key member of the committee.

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