Audiology is a specialty that focuses on hearing, inner ear problems including balance and other ear and hearing-related disorders. We offer a full range of audiology services, including testing and diagnostic studies, and can provide digital hearing aids, priced to fit a wide variety of budgets. Our hearing aid services are available to patients of all ages, from newborns to senior citizens.

Conditions Treated
A few of the common conditions we can diagnose and treat include:
Sensorineural hearing loss, often caused by inner ear problems
Genetic hearing loss
Noise-induced hearing loss, including work-related hearing loss
Ototoxicity monitoring (for hearing or balance problems caused by certain medicines)
Symptoms such as tinnitus (ringing in the ear), vertigo and dizziness
Testing & Treatment Options
A few of the treatments or tests we provide include:
Hearing screening and testing, including industrial or work screenings
Hearing loss prevention
Hearing (audiologic) rehabilitation
Hearing aids
Custom earplugs
Our Providers
Our audiology providers can help identify and treat different types of hearing loss and hearing problems. We can work with your primary care provider to create a coordinated care plan for your type of hearing loss.
Audiology at Socorro General Hospital