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Our Networks

Become a Health Plan Provider

One of the most important aspects of a health plan is the provider network offered to its members. Our provider network includes more than 17,000 providers and facilities in more than 500 locations in New Mexico and border communities. This includes more than 2,200 primary care providers and 6,300 specialists. The resources on this page offer information about contracting to become part of our Commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare networks.

Turquoise Care

Presbyterian is continually looking to create new partnerships that will ensure that members have access to all covered services under Turquoise Care. Turquoise Care is New Mexico’s Medicaid program that offers a unique care coordination aspect to connect members with the right care, at the right place and time.

Turquoise Care Resources

Sample Presbyterian Network Specialty Services Agreement (for prospective providers)Ownership & Control Interest Disclosure (OCID)

Behavioral Health Turquoise Care fee schedule

Commercial Network

Presbyterian offers a portfolio of products for employers, including Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Point-of-Service (POS), and Administrative Service Only (ASO) products. Presbyterian Insurance Company, Inc. offers a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) product for groups and individuals.

Medicare Advantage Network

Our Medicare Advantage plans are designed to meet the special healthcare and financial needs of Medicare beneficiaries. The Presbyterian Senior Care (HMO), Presbyterian Senior Care (HMO-POS), Presbyterian Dual Plus (HMO SNP) and Presbyterian MediCare PPO have plans available that include Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

Presbyterian’s Medicare Advantage HMO plans have a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Star Rating of 4.0 - putting us among the top-rated plans across the country


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Become a Presbyterian Health Plan Contracted Provider

We are committed to efficient and effective service to make healthcare administration work for you. Let's transform healthcare together.

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