Presbyterian Medicare Advantage Plans
Whether you recently turned 65 or are shopping for a loved one, we make getting Medicare coverage easy.
Get the benefits and savings you deserve with a Presbyterian Medicare Advantage Plan. We are determined to provide you with the value that comes with our integrated system of physicians, hospitals and health plan - all working together to keep you healthy
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Why Presbyterian?
Our Presbyterian Medicare Advantage plans provide more ways to conveniently get the care you need from home, and they offer more benefits and services than original Medicare, including:
No-Cost Primary Care
No-cost primary care appointments.
$0 Virtual Care
$0 for in-network virtual care through video, online or telephone with in-network primary care providers, specialists and urgent care.
World-wide Coverage
Coverage for emergency and urgent care anywhere in the world.
UltraFlex Flex Card
A $360 flex card to help pay for dental, hearing and vision services, as well as over-the-counter drugs and more with the UltraFlex plan.
Gym Membership
Gym memberships included through SilverSneakers®.
Extra Help
Extra help paying for premiums and prescription drugs if you qualify for a low-income subsidy (LIS).
Basic Dental, Vision and Hearing
Including eyewear and hearing aids.
Transportation and Over-the-counter
Some plans include no-cost rides to appointments and quarterly over-the-counter benefits.
Learn more about coverage available in your area
Explore Our PlansWhich Medicare Advantage HMO plan fits you?
Medicare Advantage HMO Plans
Enjoy access to a large network of providers and specialists, $0 monthly premium options, and much more with our HMO plans.
Medicare Advantage HMO-POS Plan
Offers a flexible spending card, expanded service network and an out-of-network benefit with flat copay.
Medicare Advantage HMO D-SNP Plans
Do you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid? If so, this might be the plan for you.
Need more help navigating Medicare Advantage?

Y0055_MPC082483_Approved_M_09172024 Last Updated: 10/30/2024